Refund Policy
This policy outlines how Sparkl.TV handles refunds for purchases made on our Service. By making a purchase, you agree to this policy.
  • Refund of Purchase
    We do not offer refunds or exchanges for any purchases made on our app. Virtual coins are non-refundable, consumable, and delivered instantly. You are responsible for understanding the nature and risks of digital goods before making a purchase.
  • Refund of Virtual Items
    We do not refund coins or keys spent on our products. Once used, virtual items cannot be refunded. You are responsible for understanding how to use your virtual coins and the possible outcomes.
  • Transfer of Virtual Item
    We do not allow transferring virtual items between accounts. Only the original buyer's account can hold and use the virtual item.
  • Charges & Taxes
    We do not charge taxes on purchases, but you may still need to pay local taxes and platform fees (30% for Apple or Meta) on your purchases.
  • Underpayment or Overpayment
    In case of underpayment or overpayment, we reserve the right to adjust your balance to correct any errors.
  • Exemption
    If someone makes a purchase without your knowledge, contact our support email. We may provide a refund depending on the circumstances.
  • Refund from Payment Processor
    If we detect that you have obtained a refund for your purchase directly from the platform or payment processor after receiving virtual items, we reserve the right to adjust your balance accordingly or terminate your account.
  • Contact Information
    For any queries or information, please contact us by submitting the support form along with your email ID where we can contact you back